Saturday, June 27, 2009

Strawberry Picking

On Friday morning we went to pick strawberries and brought some to Great Grandma and Great Grandpa. Owen did great with the picking, but he still wasn't interested in eating the berries!?!? I'm not sure if Great Grandma was more excited to have a fresh quart of her favorite fruit, or a chance to dote on Owen for a little while.
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Shirleyquilts said...

A good strawberry picker, I'm not surprised, but I'm astounded that he doesn't eat the berries. That's something I never had trouble getting you boys to eat. Looks like a lovely visit with Grandma and Grandpa Hero.

Owen's Dad said...

Yes, I just don't understand it. I think it's a texture thing for him. He likes strawberry smoothies just fine. I did get him to try a bite in the morning and he said he liked it, but he didn't want a second bite!