Friday, September 26, 2008

BIG Questions

I've been noticing lately that during prayers Owen says ..."if I should dive before I wake..." So last night I corrected him, which prompted a serious of huge questions I had not planned to discuss at bedtime!

Owen: Why do I have to die?
Me: Well, everyone dies eventually, but you are going to live for a long, long time.
Owen: What happens when we die?
Me: Oh my, that's a big question... We don't know for sure, but I believe that our soul lives on.
Owen: What's a soul?
Me: Oh my...

You get the picture. He's an inquisitive kid, which is great. He will not take an answer at face value, he probes it until he truly understands it. Occasionally he gives up, then comes back in a week or two for more answers. I'm anticipating another round of discussions on our souls next Tuesday!


Shirleyquilts said...

I remember someone else who was
VERY inquisitive when he was a little boy. My most memorable story is when you (Kirk) couldn't have been more than 3 and were interested in where babies came from. I told you a little and said that mothers went to the hospital so doctors could help deliver the baby. The next time we went to No. Dutc. Hospital, we had no sooner walked through the door when you asked if you could now see where babies came from.

Owen's Dad said...

Great story!