Monday, September 15, 2008

"You have a beautiful voice..."

Here's my favorite story of the year so far:

While we were at Frost Valley this weekend Owen was acting up during dinner on Saturday. I took him outside to talk to him about it and there were three teenage girls rehearsing a song by the corner of the building. One of them had a particularly striking voice and Owen and I were both distracted during our discussion. When we were ready to go back inside, I asked Owen if he'd like to go over and tell the girl that she has a beautiful voice. He was a little apprehensive about it but I reminded him that it would probably make her feel great to know that he appreciated her singing. That seemed to resonate with him.

So off he marched, little Owen, to tell the girl twice his size that she has a pretty voice. I couldn't hear the conversation but could see that she was beaming as he turned and walked back to me. She was obviously touched by the gesture, and I was proud of him for stepping beyond his own comfort zone so he could bring a little joy to someone else. I felt blessed to be there to see it!

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