Sunday, September 14, 2008

Frost Valley

We went to Frost Valley this weekend for an alumni reunion.  Frost Valley is the summer camp in the Catskills I went to for 7 or 8 years.  I talk about it all the time and I still have close friends from camp so I thought it would be fun for Whit and Owen to see it.  My friend Chris and his daughters Claire and Natalie were there too, and Owen likes them so he was psyched to go.

We got there after dark on Friday night, but Owen got to stay up late and play with the other kids so he was happy.  The three of us were sharing a room and although Owen slept well, Whit and I had a rough night.

In the morning we had breakfast at the dining hall.  Then we headed for the climbing wall.
  Technically you're supposed to be at least five, but we thought we'd see if Owen was up for it.
  There were a bunch of high school age kids there too, but Owen volunteered, got his harness on and did a fantastic job!  The older kids all clapped for him and he was very proud.

We also went to the barn (where I spent a lot of time as a camper) and Owen got to groom a horse and had a pony ride.  He definitely enjoyed that too.  Later that afternoon we made candles and had a huge game of hide and seek.  Overall, it was a great trip.  Owen even slept a little in the car on the way home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love these pix. Mr. Pickles looks so determined despite his trepidation. That's my boy!